Governance Principles and Practices
Asia Pacific Potash Corporation Limited has operated business under the management of the executive board with the responsibilities to all groups of
stakeholder and also to the environment and society.
APPC executive board has engrossed in managing all works based upon well corporate governance principles in order to create the most sustainable
advantages to all stakeholders and people in the long term by following the company’s regulation, reporting of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
on defensive measures, the conditions accompanying mining license, other practical procedures and well corporate governance principles. Besides, APPC has
managed to set the Corporate Governance policy which has still not been completed due to waiting for improvement as regulated by the mining license.
This will be used to manage following the major principal of corporate governance as following:
Approach to Stakeholders
APPC does aware and give precedence to all group of stakeholders and the society through the representative of stakeholders.
We will support to strengthen the cooperation and to ensure of the stakeholders’ right to be under good treatment and escort all together.
Disclosure of Information
APPC is responsible to disclose the required business information and submit the report regulated by the related government as the facts to be accurately,
completely, sufficiently, regularly and in time.
Internal Control and Risk Management
APPC arranges the internal control system to cover all related aspects. There is also the specification in order of the responsible persons who have authority
to approve in writing and continually revise to conform to the growth of business.