Implementation of Public Relations (PR) and Community Relations (CR) Policies
Way to Implementation
The APPC’s objective aims to development the project to be the most advantages to all sectors. The Public Relations (PR) and community relations (CR)
have been formed since 2006 (B.E. 2549) targeting to operate in public participation, listen to people’s opinions as well as publicize project information in order
to have good understanding among the company and people in the area, government sector, Municipality Administration and interested people. |
Public Relations (PR) Activities
Public relation center has operated the activities and publications concerning the project information and updated news, by presenting the progress and
information of project via mass media for both radio and television. Furthermore, media production has also been produced to publicize in the form of printing
media, journal, as well as online medium. The examples of public relation relating to project information are by community radio stations, local public press
releases, and other journal in the Udon Thani area. |
Project Public Relations by printing media |
Public Relations using spot announcement by Udon Thani Radio station
Pamphlet and Brochure to advertise the Udon Potash Project |
Community Relations (CR) Activities
The project focuses on public participations, to ensure a good understanding among the project, people and local leaders by arranging consistency
of the community activities to listen to the people’s opinions by setting small group meeting, and visit the community leaders and people in the mining
lease area as well as interested people. The project has also joined the communities to participate the social activities for public interest. Moreover, the
project is joining communities to promote and support in educational activities, art and cultural, traditions and religious.
1. Small group meeting in the area to publicize the project information.
Figure showing the public meeting to publicize the project information
2. Visit and discuss with people individually. |
Figure showing the project official visited the people individually in each village
3. To publicize the project information to the government sectors and academic institutions. |
Providing Potash mining Knowledge in a Simple/Clear Manner
4. Activities to promote and support the education, art and culture, tradition and religious of the communities |
Udon Thani Potash Mining Project Conducted the APPC’s 5th-9th Scholarships granting awards for students at Kanchnaphisek Udon Thani Technical College
Udon Thani Potash Mining Project joined the Rocket Festival
Udon Thani Potash Mining Project Provided big candles used in the temples
during the raining season
Ceremony of Presenting Robes to the Buddhist Monks at the end of the Buddhist Lent |