Udon Thani Potash Mining Project shared vision the program of “Empowerment for Teaching and Learning”
Foreign Language Department of Nonsung Pittayakom School arranged the “Empowerment for Teaching and Learning” program because the department
realized the importance and necessary of learning foreign language in order to communicate, educate, and search to improve English and Chinese language
of students to boost their confidence in speaking with the native speakers, and develop learning source and cultural exchange with the native as well.
Based on
these requirements, this program was set up for high school (Mor 1- Mor 6 or Grade 6-8) students around 1,000 by alternating the students in each
class and
level to study with the native language teachers about 2 hrs/week.
Mr Sawai Srivilai, head of Foreign language Department, cited that this program was being trial and error for 8 years due to the limitation of budget for hiring
native language teachers. School was funded by only students’ parents and Office of the Basic Education which was insufficient to hire foreign teachers
teaching students. School, therefore, managed to hire only temporary teachers or to request for volunteers around community including the volunteer
or married V.E.R.A (Virtual Entity of Relevant). However, this could help in some level of teaching but required full courses still were not fulfilled. A lot
of problems
in communication as well as school’s requirement to match the course caused the frequency of the teachers to be in and out.
Currently, the budget from students’ parents to hire teachers was collected. There were three teachers from the Language Institutes who were advertised
on the website of the language supplier including one English teacher and two Chinese teachers. The budget for each teacher is 45,000 Baht/month equal
to 135,000 Baht/month, which was considered to be quite a huge amount of money used. The school collecting the budget from students’ parents by 400
Baht/semester or 200 Bath/subject. However, as we know that the communities nearby school were combined of various family levels; wealthy, middle class,
and poor. Therefore, the collection of this budget was depended on their families’ abilities to afford. If any students that we could not collect, they were not
forced to pay. Some students that I used to visit their houses did not stay with their parents but stayed with grandparents who had less income.
We understood their situation, and not deprived of their right. They could continue their study as usual to fulfill the school’s requirement and their own
advantages. Although the hiring budget could be met but the teaching aids were still more required. The teaching and learning tools were old and out of date,
and most of them were still out of order and not been fixed yet. School, therefore, would like to request the support from all sectors that realized of its
importance. The support required included the budget, audio-visual equipment; such as computers, projectors, screens, slides, A4 papers that were
necessary to prepare two exercises for each of 1,000 students that we did not have the budget for. We would like to take this opportunity asking for assistant
through any interested people. If any of you who may be interested to support this program of “Empowerment for teaching and learning” for students at
Nonsung Pittayakom School, please contact Mr Sawai Srivilai, head of Foreign language Department, via mobile phone No. 086-229-6147 (AJ.Sawai) or
Nonsung Pittayakom School’s telephone No. 042-295-203. |
Udon Thani Potash Mining Project foresaw the benefits of the foreign language education in the future of the youth students in the area. The project, led by
Mr.Woravudh Hiranyapaisalsakul, Managing director of APPC and his team, therefore, offered supports in the form of the 49 inches of the monitor LED.
The monitor LED was given to Mr. Anon Rukkarn, Director of Nonsung Pittayakom School on June 4th, 2015 to be used for further teaching and learning
tool in this
program or other subjects in order for students to use fully in their study and to be able to further use of their knowledge learnt in developing the
nation. This would be the solid and sustainable foundation of the local youth as proposed. |
Finally, Udon Thani Potash Mining Project would like to invite all people and sectors in Nonsung sub-district, Muang district, Udon Thani and adjacent areas who
wish to support this well established program for learning aid, please contact to the Foreign Language Department or Director Office, Nonsung Pittayakom
School, during Monday-Friday at 8:00am -3:30pm or via mobile number 086-229-6147 (AJ Sawai) or the School’s telephone number 042-295-203 in office
hours as mentioned.